Friday 24 September 2010

Umbrella Statement & Questions

'Conceptual, illustrative and layout driven promotional and publication design combining type with/as image for print' what my umbrella statement has evolved into as present. It was mainly aimed to trim the fat and get down to the nuts and bolts of what I think my practice is about currently. There are still some aspects that need focussing, such as the type of clients I envisage engaging with in future for example.

To help with this however, the subsequent session raised some other important questions worth considering and so I may need to find myself answering these in the near future. They were as follows:

01. With design for publication being dramatically enhanced and pushed forward by digital media, how will your engagement with the discipline change and adapt?

02. Have you considered the scale of the publication and promotional design that you would like to work with. Do you want to challenge conventional formats?

03. As mentioned, have you identified clients that you WOULD like to work for?

04. In combining illustration with type and layout, will one aspect be more important than the other or governed by the conceptual aspects of the brief?

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