Wednesday 3 February 2010

Feedback: 5 Questions

1. I plan to use sound clips such as plane propeller noises and explosions, would you suggest any additional input for audio? If so, what...

2. Is the ratio of animation:collage appropriate to answering the brief?

3. I am aware that my colour schemes haven't materialised as originally planned. I think this was ambitious given my content. Do you think this needs addressing?

4. Are my typeface selections appropriate in terms of audience and context. They are meant to connote the 1940's era with a playful twist for younger audiences.

5. I have continued to omit film stills from my idents as I am not producing film specific clips. Is there another way I should consider tying the films into the animations or do the animations hold up themselves with the iconography used such as: planes, tanks, bombs etc.




    + Initial decision to do WW2 was pretty immediate. Good to commit to a general concept so early.

    - Has taken you too long to make decisions and nail down ideas after this. Has held up your development as you have not been able to go forward with confidence. Too many unresolved questions left too late.


    + Good research into material and ephemera of the WW2 period.

    – Could look at more old film posters. Need to relate the idents back to the actual films you would reference contextually.


    + Decent body of research.

    - More focus on relevant materials i.e. the films you’re promoting.


    + In limited instances, your blog shows good analysis of how secondary research will help you.

    - More critical analysis of the material you’ve gathered would help your development.


    + Great, detailed storyboards. Good initial test pieces.

    – Need to see type in ident tests. Introduce sound as you animate, these should be easy to drop in and will give you more material to respond to. Simply generate more test pieces.


    + Time spent producing assets should become evident as you produce animations. Balance of animation and collage so far is good.

    - More test pieces required to assess collage vs animation balance and other elements. Type may work, but as already mentioned, need to see in context.


    + Initial test pieces demonstrate you have the technical ability to meet your vision.

    - More tests may bring to light areas you’re lacking technical ability. Find these out sooner rather than playing it safe or running out of time and being disappointed with you resolution.


  2. Hey Liam!

    PROBLEM ANALYSIS: War films where a good choice for your idents but we failed to see what the films where going to be and just who your target audience is?

    CONTEXTUAL UNDERSTANDING: Lot of great relevant research but some post of missing comments. (As in they’re image dumps and don’t say why you’ve chosen to look at them.) But most of them indicate why you’re looking into the things you are.

    RESEARCH: Typefaces are a good choice to reflect the era of war but we’re still unsure about who your target audience is? The more recent war films tend to be more graphic and less ‘friendly’ than the old ones. Not that war is friendly.

    CRITICAL AWARENESS: Simple colour schemes are working but experimentation needs to be there to prove why some colours may not work. Maybe something symbolic like red would help?

    DESIGN DEVELOPMENT: The story boards are simple and are working well, good use of the war era’s typical use of colour and how we in the modern age preserve it. Sound clips for the planes and explosives would work really well visually but it would need to be quite intense to reflect the darker films such as Saving Private Ryan.

    VISUAL QUALITY: The collage works really well but it appears to be a little too friendly for the films you mentioned (Inglorious, Valkyrie ect.) I think more on the lines of Dad’s Army when looking at your test pieces. The films are darker and serious (some with a humorous undertone like inglorious) We really liked the work of Alexander Rodcheko; a good example of a similar style but with darker tones.

    Hope that helps some.
